Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University






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Detailed Description of the Algorithm
  Possible Applications:

The algorithm is intended to operate on traffic statistics collected (in distributed manner) at core nodes of large backbone networks, such as the 11 core routers of the Abilene network.

At each timestep t, the algorithm requires as inputs a traffic measurement vector xt and an associated scalar yt.  An example choice for xt is the flow vector (the number of packets or bytes in each source-destination flow) and for yt the total number of packets in the network, as recorded during the measurement interval corresponding to timestep t.

Kernel Recursive Least Squares

The recursive least squares algorithm is a popular method of obtaining linear predictors of a data sequence. It is suitable for online learning scenarios as it observes input samples sequentially and has modest storage and computational requirements.  It does not need to store historical data and its computational cost per timestep is independent of time.

Kernel machines use a kernel mapping function to produce non-linear and non-parametric learning algorithms [4].  The idea behind kernel machines is that a suitable kernel function, when applied to a pair of input data vectors, may be interpreted as an inner product in a high dimensional Hilbert space known as the feature space [3].  This allows inner products in the feature space (inner products of the feature vectors) to be computed without explicit knowledge of the feature vectors themselves, by simply evaluating the kernel function:

where xi , xj denote input vectors and j represents the mapping onto the feature space.

Popular kernel functions include the Gaussian kernel with variance s2:

and the polynomial kernel of degree d:

A special case of the polynomial kernel is the linear kernel:

Note that the linear kernel is simply the inner product (dot product) of its arguments.

The Kernel Recursive Least Squares (KRLS) algorithm combines the principles of recursive least squares and kernel machines, providing an efficient and non-parametric approach for performing online data mining and anomaly diagnosis.

The Key Idea:

The objective of the Kernel-based Online Anomaly Detection (KOAD) algorithm is to build a dictionary of input vectors, such that the mapping of the input vectors onto the feature space forms an approximately linearly independent basis in the feature space [3].

Fig.1: Simplified depiction of space spanned by 2 sample dictionary elements, D{1} and D{2}. d is a distance metric, and n1, n2 are thresholds where n1 < n2. When d > n2, we infer that the current observation is too far away from the space of normality as defined by the dictionary, and instantly declare a red alarm; when n1 < d < n2, we raise an orange alarm, keep track of the usefulness of the arriving xt for a short interim period, and then take a firm decision on it.

Outline of KRLS Anomaly Detection Algorithm:

The algorithm proceeds by evaluating the degree of linearly dependence of the feature vector at each timestep t, j(x(t)), on the current dictionary. The algorithm evaluates dt, the error in projecting the current feature vector onto the dictionary, according to:

where x1...xm represent members of the dictionary at timestep t. The value of dt is then compared with the thresholds n1 and n2 to initiate the immediate relevant response, as shown in Fig.2. A complete description of the algorithm is provided in the associated technical report [6].

Fig.2: Overview of KRLS online anomaly detection algorithm. Detailed description is provided in [6].